DYCSI Staff Real-Time Analysis and the Reimagination of Data-Driven Intelligence When customer experiences and needs are taken seriously, it becomes clear that one size seldom fits all. Individuals as well as companies require solutions that are built to meet their exact requireme... analytics big data dycsi real time process 5 ene. 2021
DYCSI Staff Cloud Computing, Big Data, AI and 5G: The Future of Fintech Financial institutions that are ready to go digital will probably see greater success, as the recent pandemic shock has made it obvious that technology is needed for such companies to become agile in ... 5g ai artificial intelligence big data cloud computing cloud services dycsi fintech future of banking future of fintech mobile solutions 3 ago. 2020
DYCSI Staff Big Data and its Role in the 2020's Fintech Revolution Raw data must be processed to become precious. At the scale of most businesses, the volume of data is too great for humans to handle, so we must turn to data science. This is especially true in today’... bank solutions big data financial solutions financial technology fintech 1 jun. 2020