DYCSI Staff Tecnología y la Evolución de los Sistemas Financieros y el Mercado Fintech La forma en que la tecnología puede ser clave en la evolución de sistemas financieros es gracias a su capacidad de encontrar soluciones nuevas y específicas a los retos de la industria fintech. Cuando... dycsi financial technology fintech future of fintech instituciones financieras soluciones financieras technology 28 sept. 2020
DYCSI Staff ¿Qué es Banking as a Service? El sector bancario tiene a lo largo de su historia momentos de transformación que han marcado nuevos rumbos en la forma en que se relacionan con sus clientes y, justo ahora en plena pandemia, estamos ... baas banking banking services banking solutions dycsi financial technology fintech future of banking soluciones bancarias soluciones financieras 19 ago. 2020
DYCSI Staff Fintech and how it affects banking Even if you don’t realize it, fintech is likely a big part of your personal and professional day-to-day. The adoption rate of fintech is more than two-thirds (64%) globally, up from 16% in 2015. Accor... financial technology fintech future of banking future of fintech 17 ago. 2020
DYCSI Staff Top 3 Fintech Trends in 2020 2020 has been a huge year for fintech companies. The spread of COVID-19 across the planet had a massive influence on the role that fintech plays in the daily lives of people all around the globe, as w... financial technology fintech future of fintech trends 13 ago. 2020
DYCSI Staff Big Data and its Role in the 2020's Fintech Revolution Raw data must be processed to become precious. At the scale of most businesses, the volume of data is too great for humans to handle, so we must turn to data science. This is especially true in today’... bank solutions big data financial solutions financial technology fintech 1 jun. 2020