DYCSI Staff 3 ways to maintain cost efficiency in financial technology The Financial Industry is currently going through a digital transformation, which has driven financial institutions to reconsider how much they want to invest in technology to help their business grow... digital solutions dycsi financial solutions fintech technology 13 ene. 2020
DYCSI Staff Embracing the transformation of the wealth management industry Technology is transforming the traditional wealth management industry and smart players are embracing this trend. From payments to lending, financial technology, or fintech, is driving innovation acro... digital solutions dycsi fintech technology 13 ene. 2020
DYCSI Staff Banks, credit unions & why they should improve their digital offerings According to The Financial Brand, consumers will start leaving banks and credit unions if these don't improve their digital offerings. The major turning point when digital banking transactions outstri... banking digital banking digital solutions dycsi financial solutions fintech technology 13 ene. 2020
DYCSI Staff Banking apps: the future of digital banking Nowadays, thanks to consumers swapping online platforms for smartphone software, mobile apps have become the most popular channel for banking. Smart Money People, a financial services review firm, car... apps banking digital banking digital solutions dycsi financial solutions fintech technology 13 ene. 2020
Carlos González Bejarano Oportunidades tecnológicas financieras en tiempos de turbulencia Los indicadores de desempeño económicos de nuestro país nos ofrecen retos a los cuales debemos hacer frente para que nuestras empresas sean exitosas. La planeación estratégica de las empresas se vuelv... banking digital banking dycsi fintech software technology 13 ene. 2020